Monday, August 13, 2007

Stalking The Prey With Surf Fishing Equipment

Surf fishing is a combination of skill, weather conditions and most of all surf fishing equipment. If any one of the equations is missing or not optimal you can bet on a less than desirable catch of the day. Everyone from children to older timers can enjoy learning how to surf fish. There are many places that offer surf-fishing lessons. Lessons include information about surf fishing equipment, predicting water, fish and the basics of the skill.

One of the first things that are noted during surf fishing lessons is the type of equipment that is best for the best fishing. While everyone prefers different styles and equipment there are a few optimal pieces of surf fishing equipment. Rods work best if they are between 10 and 15 foot long. Every fisherman will differ a bit and it basically boils down to what you are most comfortable with. Tackle products such as weights, leaders, hooks and swivels are good to carry for a variety of feeders. Many surf fishermen use triple drop leaders or spider leaders. Others may use the pyramid leader. Again it is a personal preference and based on the type of fish that you are looking for.

In many cases if surf fishing in a particular area it is best to catch your bait from that area. Carry along a couple of smaller rods or nets in your surf fishing equipment to reel in the best bait. This is what the fish in the area are use to and will respond best to. Landing nets are important to have when surf fishing at any rate. It is best to have someone with you help you bring the fish in with the help of a net. Depending on the type of fish that are in the area will depend on the type of net that you should use. Of course if you are looking for heavier fish you will certainly need to have a heavier duty net.

Surf fishing can be enjoyed in either fresh water or salt water. The surf fishing equipment will depend on the type of water that you are fishing in. Many enjoy surf fishing in lakes, rivers and other small bodies of water. That is not to say that surf fishing can not be just as great in the ocean water. Many will surf fish for trophies in salt water. Surf fishing it is all great fun for everyone in the family. Different size fish and other species can be found. It is great to catch a fish, but it is also beautiful wadding through the water.

About the Author
Eliseo is an avid fishing guy. For more fishing info visit

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